About Us

The New York Claim Association is a not-for-profit corporation dedicated to the advancement of professional ethics and education in the field of insurance claims and related businesses in the New York Metropolitan area. Historically, our focus has been on workers’ compensation and no-fault insurance claims. Membership consists of insurance carriers, self-insureds, third-party administrators, attorneys, risk managers, physicians, medical vendors, nurse case managers and other insurance industry professionals.

NYCA hosts four to five professional Workshops every year. Featured speakers are some of the top professionals in the industry. These educational programs are offered at no charge to members. We also offer unparalleled networking opportunities at these seminars, our annual Golf Outing, reception, and Gala Holiday Dinner Dance at New York’s exclusive Harvard Club.

Our Objectives

The mission of the NYCA is to promote high standards of ethics and professional conduct among its members and others engaged in insurance claim and related businesses; to provide educational programs to keep members informed; to support a high level of professional standards in the delivery of services provided by its members; to foster and advance the interests of its members in such fashion that their united efforts will result in tangible improvements insuring to their common good, betterment and welfare.